Recent Global Regulatory Actions Reaffirm Importance of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs)
March 18, 2024
Several recent regulatory announcements have emphasized how valuable LEIs are for bringing transparency to markets and enabling more consistent and usable data to meet global requirements. The following round up summarizes these global regulatory announcements and explains the role of LEIs.
How LEIs Benefit Cross Border Payments
November 15, 2023
The streamlining of standards and processes related to cross border payments continues to be a trending topic globally. The LEI can play an important role in creating efficiencies in this space.
Bloomberg on Using the LEI for Sanctions Screening
August 4, 2023
The reliable identification and verification of entities that may be subject to sanctions by various global authorities has become an increasingly important topic in the industry. LEIs can help play an important role in understanding counterparties in transactions and defining corporate hierarchies; both of which add greater transparency during sanctions screening processes.
The latest developments with Legal Entity Identifiers
May 15, 2023
LEIs have become an increasingly popular entity identification tool with over 2.3 million in existence today. Bloomberg remains at the forefront of global developments and continues to enhance its related services as the market's use of the LEI evolves.